Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Years Resolution of Fitness

The New Year is here and once again resolutions to get in shape are made. But how, how do you get in shape? What does "in shape" even mean? Well, I'll tell you. It all starts with small reachable goals set in realistic time lines based on science, not silly word play and fad based workouts. The plans, equipment and all our other members play a part in the road to achieving your fitness goals.
We help athletically develop "fitness nuts", marathon runners, triathletes, cyclists, members of just about every team sport you can think of and of course those who just want to find that "in shape" we all hear about. Please don't confuse in-shape or fitness with weight loss. Losing weight is 80% nutrition. I realize most small gyms and personal trainers make their living off weight loss. We give all our members the simplest dietary guidelines depending on their needs.

We've seen and heard quite a few people get the "fear bug" or "intimididous" as we call it. No need to fear our little fitness center. We really do want to help you reach your fitness goals no matter how hard they may seem. It's as simple as coming in and doing a few beginners classes just to see how much fun sweating, sore muscles and getting stronger can really be. We'll even make the cost hard to ignore.
4 private training sessions and a month of unlimited classes for a single Ben Franklin ($100). No contracts, hard sales or Sargeant Madface barking at you. Just real plans and real motivation to reach real fitness goals.